Outpost 22

Separated from their children, Maggie, Gabriel, and Rosita track a military convoy to a mysterious destination. Ezekiel, Kelly, Negan, and Annie find themselves at a work site. Daryl and Carol follow a train that has taken Connie aboard.

Made in America

Tony seeks to find a peace with the Leotardo crew while dealing with rumors a member of his own crew may have flipped. A.J. makes a decision regarding his future and Junior’s slide into dementia continues.

Day 5: 3:00 A.M. – 4:00 A.M.

Jack searches for a safe place to land the plane when Logan gives orders to shoot it down. Hayes readies Bierko for a transfer to a secure facility, while Audrey receives some good news about her father. Logan becomes desperate as his plans start to unravel, but an unexpected ally at CTU turns the tables in his favor.

Day 6: 2:00 A.M. – 3:00 A.M.

Jack is held in custody at CTU, while Cheng prepares to launch a surprise attack.Lennox uses Lisa as a plant to send a false message to the Russians in hopes of defusing a tense situation.Morris’ decision to end his relationship with Chloe begins taking its toll on her as they struggle to maintain professionalism, and Josh shows signs of guilt over the role his father played in the day’s terrorist attacks.