Flynne, Burton and Conner meet with Lowbeer and are put to the test. Meanwhile, Ella’s life is in danger, and Tommy deals with the Sheriff and Corbell Pickett his own way.
Flynne, Burton and Conner meet with Lowbeer and are put to the test. Meanwhile, Ella’s life is in danger, and Tommy deals with the Sheriff and Corbell Pickett his own way.
Flynne and Wilf discover Aelita’s ties to the Neoprims, who want to destory London as we know it. Inspector Lowbeer makes her appearance in London and demands to meet Flynne, Burton and Conner.
Flynne’s life is threatened again, forcing her to confront Cherise.
Flynne’s health takes a turn. Wilf visits Flynne in Clanton, deepening their relationship. Flynne learns the truth about her future.
King Henri departs to lead an army to defend France and places Catherine in charge as Regent, allowing her to test her powers further. Catherine asks Rahima to search Mary’s room for a letter.
Catherine has become a mother. King Francis suffers a fall from his horse while hunting with Henri and Catherine.
For Sam, an unexpected decision shows progress towards his goals, but Dr. Strauss demands even more.
Dr. Strauss leaves nothing unsaid. Sam gives it another shot with Mary. An idea sparks for Sam, and everything seems to click together.
Both Dr. Strauss and Sam try to make new connections in their pursuit of an elusive peace.
Dr. Strauss struggles with the reality he finds himself in. Sam is consumed with practical necessities, but agrees to his therapist’s advice to make different choices.