
Concerned for their safety, the group makes a plan – one that Hershel disagrees with adamantly. He makes it clear the group is fine to stay for now, but not indefinitely.

Sexual Harassment

Just as corporate tells Toby, one of the workers at the Scranton branch, to give a seminar on sexual harassment issues, Michael receives a visit from his obnoxious sales-rep friend Todd Packer. The two chauvinistic friends try to prove that the office is not in need of harassment counseling, but only wind up making the situation worse, causing yet another zany day at the office.

Drug Testing

Dwight plays the role of Volunteer Sheriff after finding half a joint in the Dunder Mifflin parking lot leading to an investigation. Pam gives Jim a play challenge where he must be silent until he gives Pam a can of Coke.

The Dundies

It’s time for the “Dundies,” Dunder Mifflin’s annual awards banquet (held at the neighborhood Chili’s), and the staff must endure the excruciating performance of their inept emcee, boss Michael Scott.

Michael's Birthday

As Kevin and the rest of the crew worry about Kevin’s medical test results to see whether or not he has skin cancer, Michael gets angry because no one seems to have fun at the birthday party he threw for himself. Later, Michael takes everyone out to the skating rink to get their minds off of Kevin’s possible complications, and Pam and Jim go to the supermarket to pick up some presents for Kevin.

The Injury

When Michael burns his foot with his George Foreman mini-grill, he requires the entire office staff to work around his new injury. When the workers aren’t so keen on obliging, Michael gets angry and calls in a man in a wheelchair to put out the message that disabled people are people too. Meanwhile, Dwight acts stranger than usual, acting really nice and helpful towards Pam. It isn’t until the end of the day when everyone realizes that the car accident Dwight was in earlier that day gave him a concussion (but was overshadowed by Michael’s dramatization of his own burn), and Jim and Michael immediately take him to the hospital. Needless to say, Michael doesn’t appreciate the extra attention that the doctors and nurses pay Dwight.