
Sloan subs for Elliot during the Japanese nuclear crisis following the March 2011 earthquake, but her harsh questioning of a Tokyo power-company representative could damage her credibility. Meanwhile, Will has a bout of insomnia that leads him to therapy, and he learns a lesson about bullying after his rude behavior in an interview.


News of unrest in Wisconsin in February 2011 in response to the governor’s call for budget cuts bubbles up during coverage of the ousting of President Mubarak in Egypt, and Neal finds someone who can provide updates from Cairo as the staff strive to give equal attention to both uprisings.

Oh Shenandoah

Incarcerated for contempt, Will refuses to reveal the name of Neal’s government source. Appearing to embrace Pruit’s mandate to capture younger viewers, Charlie orders a reluctant Don to track down principals in a sexual-abuse case at an elite college. Sloan voices her objection to a new digital site built by Neal’s replacement, Bree. Stranded in a Moscow airport, Jim and Maggie look to land seats for a Cuban-bound plane, hoping to interview one of its high-profile passengers.

I'll Try to Fix You

Will becomes tabloid fodder after a confrontation with a gossip columnist on New Year’s Eve, which threatens to undermine his credibility on a current news investigation. Meanwhile, Don urges Maggie to set Jim up on a date with her roommate; Mac’s boyfriend pitches a story about the government’s inability to prosecute financial crimes; and Neal tries out his Bigfoot theory on anyone who will listen.


Facing a court subpoena and possible incarceration for contempt, Will stands firm in refusing to reveal the source of the stolen DOD documents. As Charlie’s disdain for Lucas grows, Sloan and Mac scramble to find a more acceptable 11th-hour buyer for ACN. Jim’s relationship with Hallie is put to the test by her new job at Carnivore, a start-up website.

The 112th Congress

Will’s apology for the lack of integrity in newscasts sets off constant critiques of the Tea Party before the November 2010 midterm elections, but draws the ire of network executives and Atlantis World Media CEO Leona Lansing. Meanwhile, Don confronts Elliot about his analytical skills; Jim helps Maggie during a panic attack; and Mac is unnerved by Will’s endless parade of romantic conquests.

Main Justice

Leona and Reece look to raise cash in order to salvage ACN and thwart Blair and Randy. Will gets a surprise at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Charlie trades visions with her ACN suitor. Maggie’s EPA scoop makes it to News Night. Sloan and Don try to keep their relationship a secret from a new HR veep.

News Night 2.0

MacKenzie takes charge of the revamped “News Night” and lobbies economist Sloan Sabbith to file a nightly financial report. Meanwhile, Jim takes responsibility for Maggie’s mistake; Charlie puts a halt to Reese’s meetings with Will; and a confidential breakup story is a secret no more.


With Rebecca again tasked with defending ACN in a possible lawsuit, Will tries to protect Neal from the fallout over the DOD leak. Charlie and Leona enter the fray of a hostile-takeover gambit involving Reese’s half-siblings. Sloan fears Don may be guilty of cashing in on insider information. Maggie ponders the ethics of eavesdropping. Hallie pays a price for a late-night tweet.