
It ain’t easy bein’ green — especially if you’re a likable (albeit smelly) ogre named Shrek. On a mission to retrieve a gorgeous princess from the clutches of a fire-breathing dragon, Shrek teams up with an unlikely compatriot — a wisecracking donkey.

Day 6: 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Vice-President Daniels assumes office in the wake of Wayne’s injury and makes plans to implement his extreme security agenda. Lennox names the co-conspirators in the attack, but finds himself under Daniels’ thumb. Meanwhile, Karen moves to insert herself back in her former job. Jack and Logan pay a visit to the Russian consulate, but Jack takes drastic action when Logan fails to learn Gredenko’s location.

Day 6: 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Marilyn tells Jack the truth about his father’s involvement in the day’s conspiracy. Jack uses her in an attempt to get to Phillip. Chloe covers for Morris when he turns to an old vice after reaching the breaking point, while Milo finds himself over his head in fieldwork. Lennox takes a hard stand as Reed’s deadly plan to shift presidential control moves forward.

Day 6: 9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.

Ray uses the component to bargain for his family’s freedom, but Ahmed only grants half his wish. Chloe moderates an argument between Morris and Milo, while Walid overhears information in the detention center that may be of use to CTU. Wayne agrees to pardon Assad in the face of his efforts to aid Jack; a gesture that does not sit well with an enraged Curtis. Jack follows a lead given to the police by Jillian, but his information comes too late to stop Fayed from launching another deadly strike.